Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Wow, it's been almost a year since my last post. This blog is titled Pt Pleasant Real Estate but what it became was an outlet for me to vent and to spread the truth as I saw it. I'm in a much better place now so I plan to go forward with this blog in the manner in which I had first intended, a mixture of my life and what's happening in Pt Pleasant Real Estate.

I've now been in my current position for 14 months. What seemed overwhelming at first is now second nature and we're still the #1 office in the Point Pleasant/Pt Pleasant Beach area. In the time that I've been here we've added around 5 agents and haven't lost a single one. Even in this tough Real Estate market, the top agents can still earn a solid six figure salary. A pleasant working environment, good management and a rock solid, ethical owner make for an office that agents just don't want to leave, no matter what the market.

Since the last post a lot has been going on. My two sons graduated, Kevin from middle school & Sean from High School. Had a great party for them in the beginning of July with lots of family and friends under the big top in our back yard. Sean is still waivering between going to New Zealand and moving to Portland Oregon. We should know for sure in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime he is working his butt off at the local Dunkin Donuts (a huge step up from McDonalds) and saving lots of money. Kevin picks up occasional jobs but his summer consisted mostly of working out, wrestling, JuJitsu, and now, the frosh football team at OLB & tailback. Quite the little athlete he's turning out to be!

Thankfully the finances have been much improved and Kathleen got to take the summer off with just the occasional tutoring job. I picked up a couple of Security assignments through the summer but nothing too taxing. Been converting my garage to a full fledged gym. Sheetrock is almost complete and memberships should be available by September 1st! LOL!

Celebrated my 45th birthday on July 23rd at The Wharfside Patio Bar, all my family, friends & basketball buddies attended to the tune of around 80 people. A great time was had by all and everyone got home safely! Well, that's it for now, will definately update more frequently and look forward to hearing your feedback. PEACE!

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